Artists, here’s how to organise your workload in a handy freelance calendar
This month marks two years of me officially becoming a full-time freelancer. This means two years since I took a leap and quit my day job in order to finish my first graphic novel and figure out if this whole freelance illustration business can become a sustainable way of working.
Now, of course this wasn’t a rushed decision. I’ve been setting grounds for this for around four years prior, juggling my blooming career as a barista and a bookbinder trainee (story for another time) with completing small commissions and working on my first comic after hours. It’s been intense, it’s been chaos, and one thing I have learned is that organising my time and planning in advance is absolutely crucial in developing the freelance business.
New year seems like a perfect time to share some tips with you. I also bring a little new year gift: a handy downloadable freelance calendar to kick off your new year project plans!
In this post: time management for creatives // free digital freelance calendar // project organisation // making self-employment sustainable long-term!
The freelancer mad cycle:
After going full-time freelance, one of the big reveals for me was that every month or two I seemed to be going through the same cycle. I would get a quick commission or two and happily get to work, and with addition of art markets and my online shop orders I could just about pay my bills for that month… Only to be struck with a radio silence and a too well-known freelancer panic: what about next month though? I would jump to quickly reach out to get any commissions asap, not sure if next month will be as busy as the current one and spiraling into the anxiety of my new career being over (I’m a huge overthinker, can you guess?). Overall a very stressful experience.
A moment of honesty: quiet times are common and completely expected when you’re self employed. Similarly, starting your own business is always a tumultuous time, because it takes a while to establish yourself and create some kind of professional network.
That said, if you can create some habits to save you at least some of the stress, the future you will be very grateful.
Reach out even if you’re busy!
Putting off reaching out to potential clients until your work schedule has gone quiet is not a good idea. Confirming a project takes time, often weeks or months if it’s a big commission. It might involve emails or calls and signing paperwork, and additionally, it’s rarely paid in advance - which means that likely it’ll be a while until you see your income from this project.
Personally, I try to always have commissions booked in advance, and know that my work schedule is booked and covered for around two months at a time. It’s not always the case, but that’s the goal.
No matter how busy I currently am with freelance work, these are the things I do regularly:
Sending out my monthly newsletter to my mailing list
Checking in with previous clients via email to let them know about my availability
Checking in with my art community to see what’s new
Applying for art markets and comicons as soon as I see the open call
Applying to any open calls relevant to my work
Noting down all my ideas for future comics and merch
These habits help me stay sane among the often solitary illustration work. They’re also a way of spreading little seeds everywhere you can. While you’re busy with current projects, the seeds from prior months will start sprouting.
I had someone inviting me to do a guest lecture because they remembered seeing my art talk two years prior. After my first comic got interest of a publisher, it took 4 months just to confirm the pitch and further 2 years until my graphic novel was out in the public. Things really can take a long time.
Finally: Freelance calendar time! (A freebie for you)
Planning work in advance and scheduling things has become one of my best tools. It might sound obvious, but honestly, don’t underestimate its power. I use a calendar app for all my life things and smaller tasks, but as I got busier I found that having a separate way to have my freelance schedule in one place is incredibly helpful. It makes work more sustainable and helps to see all your projects as a part of a bigger picture. It also helps in keeping track of your income (although hopefully you’ll have a spreadsheet for that!), especially when you’re waiting on multiple payments.
Freelance art jobs are often a patchwork of different income sources. For me it’s a combination of comics work, illustration commissions, art market sales, teaching / workshops and online shop orders. I simply don’t trust my brain to keep track of all of it without having it written down.
My freelance calendar is an annual overview of all my scheduled projects and the expected income. It looks like this:
Well, it used to be just a grid, but I spruced it up for this year - and now you can use it too!
It’s in 3 colour options, and you can print it up to A3 size for your workspace, or use it digitally. I often work in Procreate and my iPad basically became an extension of my body, so I keep my freelance calendar as an open Procreate project and edit it on the go.
Three colour versions to fit your workspace, because why not!
Example of what my schedule looked like in 2024:
I had two art markets and two commissions on the go (plus the online shop). If the commission is split into stages or instalments (e.g. roughs, sketches and then finals) I split it on the calendar too. I also tick the project once it’s done / paid so I remember what’s finalised, because some jobs can stretch in time.
I hope this little calendar will make your scheduling process smoother! Enjoy, and have a fantastic busy year!